Payment and details

Bank details

Individual entrepreneur Gogiava Elena Vyacheslavovna

TIN: 330501137660

OGRNIP: 304333230600047


The point of PJSC Bank «FC OTKRITIE»

BIC: 044525999

Current account: 40802810402270002775

Correspondent account:  30101810845250000999

Payment methods

  • By bank card Online on the website

    It is possible to pay for accommodation on our website Online or with deferred payment.

    After payment, you will receive a cash and slip receipt. We will give you the closing documents at check-in (if required).

  • To the settlement account of our organization

    After booking, we will issue you an invoice for payment and send it to your email.

    We can transfer the closing documents with the guest, send them by mail or send them via EDO.